Meld with Mercurial


I'm just learning mercurial so I apologize if my problems are the
result of some simple misconfiguration. Mercurial seems to detect meld
as a 'differ' so I'm guessing somebody has decided meld works happily
with mercurial. However, I'm seeing two different errors.

When using meld for merges, when I save the file and quit (Alt-Q) I
get assertion errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/meld/", line 406, in on_text_delete_range
    assert self.deleted_lines_pending == -1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/meld/", line 273, in after_text_delete_range
    self._after_text_modified(buffer, starting_at, -self.deleted_lines_pending)
  File "/usr/lib/meld/", line 222, in _after_text_modified
    change_range = self.linediffer.change_sequence( pane, startline,
sizechange, self._get_texts())
  File "/usr/lib/meld/", line 102, in change_sequence
    changes[0] = self._change_sequence(         0, sequence, startidx,
sizechange, texts)
  File "/usr/lib/meld/", line 143, in _change_sequence
    assert rangex[0] <= rangex[1] and range1[0] <= range1[1]

The second type of error is when I type "meld ." in a working copy.
With my svn working copies I'm accustomed to meld speedily analyzing
the working copy for changes against the repo. However, with mercurial
working copies, it's a bit slower but it still populates a summary
list for me. However, when I double click on a file in that list I get
a dialog box with the following error message (I've shortened paths to
make the error message clearer):

Could not read from '/home/revane/hg_copy/-r 36d56296564d backends/File.cpp'

The error was:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/revane/hg_copy/-r
36d56296564d subdir/File.cpp'

In the vertical diff pane that has now appeared behind the popup, I
see it's trying to compare two files:
/tmp/tmpyABf9V-meld/-r 36d56296564d subdir/File.cpp
/home/revane/hg_copy/-r 36d56296564d subdir/File.cpp

Note that 'subdir' is the an immediate subdirectory of 'hg_copy'. It
looks like the revision tag is being inserted into the path. If
anybody here has any ideas for a fix/workaround I'd be happy to hear
it. Otherwise it might take me a while to get meld to the point where
I can build it and sort through source code to fix the problem myself.

Edwin V

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