Re: goto %lineno with Tilde as external editor/viewer

PSS: I figured it out.  It now goes to the line number in both view and edit modes

in ~/.bashrc added:
# mc needs VIEWER or PAGER as well as EDITOR set in order to pass line number

in ~/.config/mc/ini added:
[External editor or viewer parameters]

Needed to log out and back in for it to take effect


On Sunday, March 18, 2018, 11:31:59 AM CDT, Bob Currey via mc <mc gnome org> wrote:

PS: I'm using mc version 4.8.18 on AntiX17 which is based on Debian Stretch and mc comes preinstalled and preconfigured, but I did add the mode.  I am running it from an mrxvt-mini terminal, but I don't think that is causing my troubles.

On Sunday, March 18, 2018, 11:16:30 AM CDT, Bob Currey via mc <mc gnome org> wrote:

When I use Find file to get a list of files containing a string, if I am using the internal viewer and press F3 on a file from the list it opens the file in the viewer and positions me on the line number it found the string at, but when I use Tilde, it tries to open the line number itself as a file.  I waant to use Tilde as my viewer because I am using it as my editor, and I want the functionality between the viewer and editor to be consistent, only differing in the ability to change and save.

Tilde can view or edit the file and uses a syntax of:

tilde %filename:%lineno

Note the colon ":" between the filename and line number to go to

How can I configure Midnight Commander to run tilde passing the parameter that way?

Based on a post from 2015

I added this to my ~/.config/mc/ini but it didn't help:

[External editor or viewer parameters]

Please tell me how to make this work?

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