Coloring of capital letters in upper menu

How do you do.

Recently I have installed mc 4.7.0. How can I change color of capital letters 
in upper menu in ordinary (non-selected) mode? When I press F9 menu colored 
as I have specified. In ordinary mode capital letters in menu colored as "red 
on blue" and ordinary menu text colored as "blue on lightgray".

Also, how to change color of cursor line in history browser? In 4.6.x it 
was "geen on lightgray", now it "red on lightgray". Red is alarm color, 
aren't you?
   With Best Regards.
   Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), Web:
   E-Mail: shelton [гав!] vmfree [тчк] askd [тчк] ru
   PGP: 83 CD E2 A7 37 4A D5 81 D6 D6 52 BF C9 2F 85 AF 97 BE CB 0A

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