Re: alt-f7 shortcut doesn't work

On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 15:03:28 +0200 Volodymyr Buell wrote:
But while pressing the only thing I've been getting is "18;3~" in the prompt. :)

Tested via both xterm and gnome-terminal.
There are some problems with Alt-Fx keys in current MC. Try learn your MC to escape
sequences of your terminal:

1. Menu Options->Learn keys.
2. Press any displayed keys in dialog. Say, [Function key 1  ].
3. 'Teach me a key' red dialog will pop up.
4. Follow instructions.
5. Press Save button.
6. Quit from MC.
7. Open ~/.mc/ini file in some editor (not in MC), find section with learned key  ([terminal:xterm] or 
something like that).
8. Replace key (from step #2 -- f1) to 'alt f1'.
Was (for example):
shoult be
alt f7=\\e\\e[18~
Note: key separator is space.
9. Run MC and try Alt-F7 key.


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