Re: mc in fedora 10

On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 09:29:06 +0100
"Yury V. Zaytsev" <yury shurup com> wrote:

On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 11:51 -0500, MK wrote:
 was less true 5-10 years ago.  I installed Fedora 10-64 in January and
 (at least at that time) there was not even an .rpm package available
 -- I had to build from source, which I tend to do anyway, so big deal.

This is NOT true:

The date it became available is 30-Oct-2008, which means that if you
couldn't install it from base in January 2009, you clearly did something

Okay! Evidentally I didn't look hard enough.  But it was not then (and I imagine is not now) part of the 
standard or "base" disto.  Which is to say, I have an adulterated, direct from redhat, 2 DVD set right here, 
(ie. an 8gb "base" repository) which is what you get when you download "Fedora 10-64", and mc *is not* part 
of that.

Probably I didn't look around the web at all, since I *prefer* building stuff like this from source anyway.  
But it had been a few years since I had installed a linux system, and I distinctly remember, like Chris Glur, 
being *shocked* that mc was not part of the default/base install...clearly this has blown slightly out of 
proportion in my mind ;)

Anyway, I'm not blaming redhat or debian or anyone for that.  

BTW, mc is one of my very favourite pieces of software of all time, which I use constantly on a daily basis.  
So thanks much to the developers and maintainers for keeping it alive and well!

MK <halfcountplus intergate com>

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