Re: Screen refresh problem with mc display of sendmail qf files

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005, Jim Holland wrote:

Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 22:31:57 +0200 (CAT)
From: Jim Holland <mc mango zw>
To: MC <mc gnome org>
Subject: Re: Screen refresh problem with mc display of sendmail qf files
Thanks for that tip.  I found that I also needed to copy over various
extra files from the original package that were omitted from the above
version (eg all the files in /usr/share/doc/mc, /usr/share/mc, the man
pages in /usr/share/man/man1, and a couple of others).  Perhaps I was
being a little too clever by downloading the rpm and then using rpm2deb to
convert it to a Debian package before installing that rather than using 
the tarball.

Once I had loaded the above extra files I found it solved the display 
problem mentioned.
A further check showed that the missing file problem was definitely the 
fault of the rpm2deb conversion.
Jim Holland
System Administrator
MANGO -  Zimbabwe's non-profit e-mail service

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