Re: suggestion


On Thu, 7 Oct 2004, Pavel Tsekov wrote:

On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Michal Bozalek wrote:

Suggest increasing the LINES and COLS limit in slint.c line 185 to over
300 as new displays (mine is 1680x1050) have over 255 COLS/LINES


Maybe now it is time to find a solution to this problem ? Maybe it is
already fixed in S-Lang ?

S-Lang 1.4.7 or newer allows for maximum of 512 columns. 1.4.7 introduces
the new macro definitions SLTT_MAX_SCREEN_ROWS and SLTT_MAX_SCREEN_COLS,
which replace the old macro MAX_SCREEN_SIZE. Both of these new macros have
a value of 512.

I suggest that we alter the check in src/slint.c to something like that:

if ((COLS < 10) || (LINES < 5) ||
    (SLang_Version < 10407 && (COLS > 255 || LINES > 255)) ||
    (SLang_Version >= 10407 && (COLS > 512 || LINES > 512)))

Also the in-tree version of S-Lang should be brought to the current
version. Now we have 1.4.5 while latest stable S-Lang is 1.4.9.

Any thoughts ?

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