On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Pavel Roskin wrote:
Also, record the output from mc by redirecting it to a file. Use Escape 0 to exit. Check the captured data for ANSI sequences, try to split it into minimal parts exhibiting the screen problems you are observing.
Interesting. When I tried the mc > test_file, an error message appeared as follows: subshell.c couldn't get terminal settings: Inappropriate ioctl for device Would using a Digi serial controller affect this? The beginning of the test_file had escape sequences which looks like the ti= [string of escape sequences for the wy60ak]. Attached is the beginning of the string up to the "hint text". Unfortunately the screen gets screwed up almost immediately, so it is pretty difficult to pick a sequence which screws it up more. Does this look normal? Thanks and regards, doug
Description: mc_start