Annoying gmc

Hi Pavel,

As I can see people keep you busy all the time - sign your baby is in a very 
good shape :-)

I praise mc for the thinks I can do with it, so once I gave a go to gmc... 
well, still prefer its terminal brother.

But from then whenever I login I discover a core dump in my home directory, 
and unwanted instance of gmc running (it also tries to place cdrom and flopy 
icons on my desktop, which aparently is not own by me but by the root - 
reason for that core dump?)

So here is my question:
How can I turn starting gmc on login off?

I'm runnig:

Red Hat 7.1
KDE 2.1

[dishlav@ ~]% mc -V
The Midnight Commander 4.5.51
with mouse support on xterm and the Linux console.
Edition: text mode
Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, ftpfs, mcfs, undelfs
With builtin Editor
Using S-lang library with terminfo database
With subshell support: as default
With support for background operations
Using locale "en_AU" (from environment variable LANG)

[dishlav@ ~]% gmc -V
The Midnight Commander 4.5.51
Edition: Tk
Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, ftpfs, mcfs, undelfs
With builtin Editor
Using S-lang library with terminfo database
With subshell support: as default
With support for background operations
Using locale "en_AU" (from environment variable LANG)

Thank you for a great product

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