Re: [PMH] Re: [Nautilus-list] Idea for Nautilus and GMC.

On 24 May 2001 06:06:49 -0400
Christopher James Lahey <clahey ximian com> wrote:

On 24 May 2001 03:09:34 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
This causes a lot of confusion.  In Nautilus I see 'Documents', but
I cannot
find a direcotry called 'Documents' in the shell.  Hmm, this also
cancels my
idea about '<Display LANG=XY>' above.  Well, translations should
then be
done in the '<Location>' tag.
That doesn't work either because then if you switch languages, you
all your data.  Well, it's in a directory that's harder to find which
amounts to the same thing.
Softlinks perhaps? Removing old softlinks for languages no longer used
could be a problem though. I agree that if I've save my documents to a
directory called 'Documente' via nautilus, I should be able to cd to
Documente from the shell etc.



Zak McGregor - Specifications of cars online. Over 7000!
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My macaw's name was Q47pY!3, but I change it every 90 days.

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