Re: Transifex and Russian & Italian translations

On Mon, Jun 08, 2015 at 12:09:50PM +0200, Marco Ciampa wrote:
On Sun, Jun 07, 2015 at 09:29:01PM +0200, Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:
Otherwise, shall we at least somehow block people from using Transifex
for the languages that are being committed directly to the repository? I
do not like the current situation, because it seems that people doing
stuff on Transifex are not aware of what's going on the git repository
and vice versa. I think it's a really bad scenario when people invest
time in doing translations, and their work is just discarded.

I have always keeped mc translations in sync in many years. I think that
transiflex is a great tool for missing or poor translations. If there is
someone (like me) that check periodically translations for completless
and for behaviour in the "live" program (translate -> compile -> install
-> test -> commit) I think that is invaluable.

I do not want to "go back" to transiflex. If it will be so, I understand
and respect your decision, but I'll not continue updating mc in Italian.

this is not helpful. what *exactly* is it that makes transifex an
obstacle for you? is it not possible to simply use it as a "buffer"
between the local and the remote repository? is this a setup problem or
is it inherent in how tfx works?

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