Re: [repo rover dkm cz: [] midnight-commander clone completed]

* Pavel Roskin <proski gnu org> schrieb:


> What's the point?  I could have given you full access to the "mc"  
> repository on the same site.  After all, it's just a mirror.  You  
> could have rewritten the whole repository.  Now we have two competing  
> mirrors for the same project.  I'm not going to keep it this way.   

Hey, it's just dumb *readonly* mirror. nobody can commit there
(not even me) - it just syncs itself from the master periodically.
the idea behind is nothing more to have yet another publically 
available copy to keep some unncessary traffic from the weak 
mc.o server. and in case something bad happens to the server,
we've got an backup. 

It's not a fork or anything like that.

I really don't see the problem.

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