promptfix II

Hello mc-devel,

I'm sending again the reimplementation of promptfix patch from 24.11.
with comments. There were some problems with in that time so it didn't appeared there
and it was only available in emails.

Please see:
for the bug reproduction.

The attached patch does the following:

1st hunk:
the removed part caused to cut out the beginning of the prompt so we

<truncated dir name>]$
instead of:
[jnovy obelix <shortened dir name>]$

this part of code just prints the whole prompt without shortening to
subshell_prompt to let the prompt be displayed correctly via load_prompt

2nd hunk:
fix of the prompt drawing in subshell. It should display correct prompt
if it's size is less than COLS and redraw only the part of line where
was a previous prompt. If the prompt is larger that COLS, it'll draw the
prompt at a new line. Some additional work for this should be done since
we can use escape sequences to improve it a bit. And maybe we should cap
the value of COLS, etc.

3rd hunk:
Displays shrinked prompt in the panel (not subshell) mode with using
name_trunc(). This part is needed to let the prompt be displayed as
noted in the comment to 1st hunk.

Any comments are welcome.


Jindrich Novy <jnovy redhat com>,
--- mc-4.6.1-20041124/src/subshell.c.promptfix	2004-11-03 20:43:17.000000000 +0100
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041124/src/subshell.c	2004-11-24 10:24:49.760461024 +0100
@@ -596,19 +596,15 @@
 	bytes = read (subshell_pty, pty_buffer, pty_buffer_size);
 	/* Extract the prompt from the shell output */
-	for (i = 0; i < bytes; ++i)
-	    if (pty_buffer[i] == '\n' || pty_buffer[i] == '\r') {
-		prompt_pos = 0;
-	    } else {
-		if (!pty_buffer[i])
-		    continue;
-		subshell_prompt[prompt_pos++] = pty_buffer[i];
-		if (prompt_pos == prompt_size)
-		    subshell_prompt =
-			g_realloc (subshell_prompt, prompt_size *= 2);
-	    }
+	for (i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) {
+            if (pty_buffer[i] == '\n' || pty_buffer[i] == '\r' ||
+                !pty_buffer[i])  continue;
+            subshell_prompt[prompt_pos++] = pty_buffer[i];
+            if (prompt_pos == prompt_size)
+                subshell_prompt =
+                    g_realloc (subshell_prompt, prompt_size *= 2);
+        }
 	subshell_prompt[prompt_pos] = '\0';
--- mc-4.6.1-20041124/src/main.c.promptfix	2004-10-22 07:47:25.000000000 +0200
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041124/src/main.c	2004-11-24 10:28:29.172105384 +0100
@@ -433,8 +433,14 @@
 do_update_prompt (void)
+    static int prompt_size = 0;
     if (update_prompt) {
-	printf ("%s", subshell_prompt);
+      if ( !prompt_size || prompt_size > COLS ) {
+            printf (!prompt_size ? "\r%*c\r%s" : "\n\r%*c\r%s", COLS, ' ',
+                    subshell_prompt);
+        } else
+            printf ("\r%*c\r%s", prompt_size, ' ', subshell_prompt);
 	fflush (stdout);
 	update_prompt = 0;
@@ -699,15 +705,11 @@
 	prompt = strip_ctrl_codes (subshell_prompt);
 	prompt_len = strlen (prompt);
-	/* Check for prompts too big */
-	if (COLS > 8 && prompt_len > COLS - 8) {
-	    prompt[COLS - 8] = 0;
-	    prompt_len = COLS - 8;
-	}
-	label_set_text (the_prompt, prompt);
-	winput_set_origin ((WInput *) cmdline, prompt_len,
-			   COLS - prompt_len);
+	/* Shrink the prompt if it's too big */
+	label_set_text (the_prompt, name_trunc (prompt, COLS - 8));
+        prompt_len = prompt_len <= COLS - 8 ? prompt_len : COLS - 8;
+        winput_set_origin ((WInput *) cmdline, prompt_len,
+                           COLS - prompt_len);
 	/* since the prompt has changed, and we are called from one of the 
 	 * get_event channels, the prompt updating does not take place
 	 * automatically: force a cursor update and a screen refresh

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