On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Brian Cameron <
brian cameron oracle com> wrote:
> Karen:
>> GNOME has held accessibility amongst its core values from the project's
>> inception. Because of this commitment, along with the efforts of many
>> dedicated developers, GNOME 2 became one of the most accessible free
>> desktop environments
> Perhaps more importantly, GNOME was the first free desktop to seriously
> tackle meeting U.S. Disability Act Section 508 requirements. The GNOME
> a11y community won several awards for doing this. I think Peter Korn
> summed up some of the early achievements well in this blog post:
> Also, we should perhaps touch base with HFOSS to see if they might want
> to participate again or perhaps sponsor in some way:
>> With the advent of GNOME 3, we have started down an exciting new road in
>> terms of usability, a road we want to extend to everyone, including users
>> of all ages and abilities. The GNOME Accessibility team is working hard to
>> accomplish this; however, we have fewer resources than in the past and
>> many goals yet to achieve in order to make GNOME 3 compellingly
>> accessible.
> GNOME has done some exciting things in the past to develop accessibility
> like the "GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility" project.
> Perhaps we could highlight better some of the significant things that
> The GNOME Foundation has managed to accomplish already in the field of
> accessibility.
>> With your help we can start tackling those goals. Let's kickstart 2012 as
>> the Year of Accessibility at GNOME and make the most usable desktop
>> environment the most accessible desktop environment!
> I think the campaign could more clearly highlight that The GNOME
> Foundation's mission is to make free desktop software available to
> everyone. Accessibility features increasingly include features that
> are necessary to use some devices. Touch screen gestures, on-screen
> keyboards, and magnifiers are increasingly standard features,
> especially in mobile devices. So, features that make devices more
> accessible are increasingly needed to make some types of device work
> for any user. Now is a real opportunity for the GNOME community to
> show the world how a free software community can provide competitive
> features that are differentiated by the GNOME Foundation mission.
> This campaign, I think, should be described as yet another step we
> are taking to meet such goals.
> Brian
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