Re: launch

On 01/18/2011 05:56 PM, Dave Neary wrote:

Jason D. Clinton wrote:

Well, I think the by-line is weak, and I'm not a particular fan of "Made
of Easy" either. But the by-line is not the important thing. The
important thing is: What does this new GNOME enable me to do? How will
my computer experience be better?

If you can come up with a by-line which conveys or evokes some answer to
that, I'm all ears. "Made of per^H^H^Hinspiration" or "Made to inspire"
don't really do that for me.


I kind of feel the same as Dave, but having nothing better to say I have kept quiet. I mean it's always easy to dislike something (for good or bad reasons), coming up with better however is another story.


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