Re: Traineeships at GNOME

I am on board with this idea - its pretty cool and when we go to Univs and try to get them to adopt Gnome. This could also possibly lead to some senior projects based on Gnome which could feed into small apps development for Mobile stacks like MeeGo.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Sanne te Meerman <sanne opensourceadvies nl> wrote:
Hi Jaap,

Sounds like a good idea. I hope you can use GUADEC for this, as it seems now there will be a short session about education during the pre-conference. If you could organise something that could attract students to this, that would be great. During the pre-conference (Open Desktop Day - see ). There will also be attention for the role of education. Your presence would be great, and if you have ideas about the strengthening the relations between education-community-business, that 'd be very interesting.

Sanne (GUADEC organisation team-NL).
+ 31 6 14829390

Jaap A. Haitsma schreef:


In the Netherlands it's normal that computer science students need to
do 6 month traineeship at a company working on a certain project.
Outside the Google SOC program I've never really noticed (but I might
have missed it) trainees working on GNOME.

I thought it might be an idea to have a traineeships page at
where companies can propose possible traineeships. With the trainees
we can get some love back that Bastien is missing [1]. Actually his
email triggered this one.

Has it ever been tried in the past to promote traineeships for GNOME
outside of the SOC scope?

Another related idea is to have a jobs page where companies can post
GNOME related job ads. We could even opt to ask some donation for
placing the ad ($100 ?). Or we could make it a perk for corporate
sponsors of GNOME. If they pay x a year they get the job ads for free.

What are your thoughts about this?




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