Re: Facebook GNOME page

Qui, 2010-03-18 às 08:09 -0600, Stormy Peters escreveu:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org>
> wrote:
>         How can we put a plan together with 2-3 updates a week to keep
>         it
>         relevant?
>         Off the top of my head, I think Netflix does a good job on
>         Facebook
>         where they will post a couple times a week with an open ended
>         question
>         about movies to get their fans involved.
> Can we put together a big enough list of questions that we have enough
> for 3-4 months? Then one person can drop them in once a week ...

Questions, new features (based on weekly commit digest) and tutorials
are a good way to keep people interacting with GNOME FB page.
Maybe we should add more admins to keep this things done every week.
Of course i volunteer myself to give a help on FB. :)


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