Looking for suggestions

Hi all,

I'd like to sexy up the GNOME Developer Training page on the GUADEC
website: http://www.guadec.org/index.php/guadec/2010/schedConf/training

Among the things I'd like to change are:
 * Tighten copy in first few paragraphs
 * Add a nice visual signpost direct to the registration page
 * Change the link to http://guadec.org to https://register.guadec.org
in the page

Outside of those ideas, I'd generally like to sexy up the page and make
it more compelling - we're getting some click-throughs now from Google
ads, and I'd like to ensure we're as effective as possible in converting

Do any of you have suggestions about the content or style of the page?

To the artists, would you have any suggestions on how to have a nice big
link to the registration page at the top of the page? I was thinking
something along the lines of the "Register Now" link on the OSCON 2010
page http://www.oscon.com/oscon2010 - my best (non-artist) attempt is
this button: http://www.neary-consulting.com/docs/register_button.png

Thanks for the help!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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