GNOME 3.0 Roadmap - Help Needed

Hello GNOME Developers!

With the Release Team announcing the GNOME 3.0 moduleset and with GNOME
3.0 now under 4 months away, we need your help!

The Marketing team would like to start collecting Roadmap information
now (yes, now!) on the new features and benefits to be found in GNOME
3.0, including the Developer Platform and the applications.

We have a roadmap[2] for the marketing activities we want to do for the
GNOME 3.0 cycle and we need time to create the marketing materials,
including a GNOME 3.0 video site, brochures, presentations material and
more, and understanding the features that will be present in GNOME 3.0
is critical.

No one knows your applications like you do - please help us and add
information around the features, benefits and improvements coming in
GNOME 3.0.




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