New donators roles

Hi everyone

we have a long standing pending item to define how smaller companies and
non-profit groups can associate to GNOME. This means re-thinking our
donation options.

Currently we offer Advisory Board fees or free range donations in FoG.
This works fine for individuals and our heavily involved AB companies,
however we are missing out smaller companies that might want to donate
one time or regularly and get visibility for it.

A possible layout of our options would be this:
 - (unchanged) AB members:
  + annual fee: 10K/20K
  + link in
  + usual association and mentions
  + AB seat

 - (unchanged) FoG (individuals):
  + various fee options
  + souvenirs
  + listing in donors history page

 - (new) Company donations ("companies' FoG"):
  + various fee ranges or case-by-case discussion
  + logo in donors history page
  + logo in /friends/ footer and/or other sections of

 - (new) Supporter (mostly non-profits?):
  + discussable fee or contribution (maybe some resource?)
  + logo in some 2nd level page in
  + we keep an eye to work with you in the future

The big questions:
 - what can we offer to companies? ideas:
  + logo on;
  + to hold logos and links to our donors;
  + mention in all events organised by the Foundation;
  + "Supporter" sponsor level in the next N hackfests or events;
  + press release for the new relationship;
  + ask for spreading news about FoG (for example);

 - what should we expect from/give non-profits? ideas:
  + a small(er) fee?;
  + link exchange;
  + press release about the new relationship;
  + support from them for our campaigns, like links for FoG;
  + re-transmission of their press releases via Foundation blog?;

Currently you don't get much credit for donating as a company unless you
get to the AB and there's no defined position or role for groups like to associate with us.

Also past individual donors have a not very visible list on, we could have a much better display for them.
Maybe some other concept instead of a list, maybe a big mosaic like the
"GNOME is people" one or something?

Hope to hear from you!


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