Re: What keywords would you use for GNOME?


 This is actually hard to go across if we don't back it up behind a normal
marketing line such as "product positioning", if such was clearly defined,
gathering a set of keywords or meta keys would be actually easier.
 I would suggest something that includes the strongest points of gnome:
 Open, Software, Desktop, GNOME, Linux, Solaris, *BSD, GTK.

 If you want keywords for a commercial based product, then something really
different should pop up such as:
 GNOME Desktop, GNOME Merchandising, GNOME Franchise, GNOME Sportswear.

 This is actually something hard to come up with. Since I presume that this set
of meta keys is for GNOME product itself, I would flag as keywords the
technological aspects of GNOME and focus on the Open Desktop compliance, not
forgetting the most important of all: "GNOME Community".

 Another point that should be considered is actually how search engines work and
if they support or not the usage of operators such as "and", "or", etc. This
would allow to build a more suitable set of meta keys. Even most usages actually
don't pay attention to operators, some search engines actually do support them
for more complex searches. This is a technological fact that we should explore.

 Not wanting to be disruptive, but a single search for the string "GNOME" in
several search engines reveals actually the need we have to improve this.

 A search in Google drops actually the 10 results as favorable to us. This can
be also related to the languages settings in google and so on. But it's a nice
result and means we should actually neglect google a bit (see google as the
biggest advertising company currently in the world, it isn't a search engine,
and it's technology is actually oriented for advertising and not search engine
oriented, a support for this can be found in the absence of supported operators
for even more accurate searches).

 A search on BING drops 10 results also favorable, but completely different from
the ones in google.

 I would suggest that we should prioritize the development of tools to allow us
to build a database with the most information we can retrieve from GNOME Users,
and just like in normal corporate marketing build and segment the ranks of our
users by Operative System, age, gender, nationality, etc etc. The more we know
about people who use GNOME for several purposes (home, education, development,
etc) the more accurate we can deploy new tools, new services, etc, and
eventually position us with a clear thought on how users see us and what they
expect. Having such a background would actually allow us to answer questions
like this ones in a much more accurate way.

 -- my 2 cents,



Quoting Claus Schwarm <clschwarm googlemail com>:

> Hi!
> Provided the keywords are remotely related to the product being
> advertised, CTR is not so muched determined by the keywords, but by
> the copy and its interaction with the keywords.
> Example 1:
> Someone searching for "debian gnome" is really unlikely to click on an
> ad for a women outreach program.
> Example 2:
> The copy for the keyword "free software" doesn't repeat it in the
> header. Instead of writing:
>     Join the Free Desktop
>     Support GNOME, the Free Software
>     Desktop Accessible to Everyone.
> you should test:
>     A Free Software Desktop
>     Join us in Supporting GNOME, the
>     Free Software Desktop Project.
> Something similar holds for the other important keywords.
> However, you seem to be running tests right now, for I got different
> copy for the same keyword(s). Maybe you should post the report about
> the test results?
> Of course, if you still like to try other keywords, why not use Google
> Keyword Suggestion Tool [1]?
> Regards,
> Claus
> [1]:
> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:53 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
> > I've attached the keyword report for our Google Adwords account. We could
> > use some higher performing keywords!
> >
> > The goal is to have CTR of >1%.
> >
> > Ideas for other keywords?
> >
> > Stormy
> >
> > --
> > marketing-list mailing list
> > marketing-list gnome org
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> marketing-list mailing list
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