Re: GNOME Wish List

On Fri, 2010-04-02 at 06:35 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
> I have created a GNOME Wish List[1]. Let me know what you think before
> I advertise it to a wider audience.
> A bit of background. The GNOME Board of Directors was getting a lot of
> requests for things like hardware and I was then passing those
> requests on to our advisory board sponsors one by one.

I would suppose that most distributions might got compiled results about
hardware provided by users using smolt. Fedora at least has the

Would that help somehow?


>  We decided it would be nice to have a page where we could track the
> things that we need or that we've asked for.
> I started it out with a mixed list of things ... 
> Stormy
> [1]

Nelson Marques
Private Contact- 07721 ipam pt

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