Re: Google Adwords Application for Review (WAS Re: Google Adsense versus Adwords)

Hi Stormy,

Stormy Peters wrote:
I was looking for applications that also work on Windows since most people searching will be using Windows. We could use Inkscape instead of gnucash.

What applications would you suggest?

GIMP, Inkscape, Dia, GnuCash (I disagree with Claus, while agreeing the app and web page could be better), Pidgin, Gnumeric, Abiword has a bunch of free software windows applications, many are really great. The site is a little out of date. TheOpenDisc has the same, and Framakey is a French site which is very up to date.

The ones I would not include that work well on windows are apps like WireShark, which is a hardcore geek application, or Audacity, which is not really that nice (and which is only a gtk+ application through its use of wxwindows).


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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