Re: wgo pages


We recently went through this process with Maemo, and since our communities have a similar profile, our thinking & analysis might also be useful here...

Lots of information under

The key point was to address the site in terms of the most common use-cases - why do people go to How do they get there?

* Tablet users - looking for new software
* Application developer - wants to know how to write or port an existing application to the platform * Community member (someone already familiar with GNOME) looking for news (both technical and community). * Potential contributor - an interested user wants to help out or get more involved in the project * Looking for help - someone has a problem they want to fix, they want to get access to some kind of support forum, see if anyone else has had & solved their problem, and if not report their problem to the project or ask a question

To address these use-cases, contains:
* Downloads & featured software
* Links to "Get help" and "Get involved"
* Site top level menu is grouped by user profile, not technology (gone are "Documentation", "Wiki", "Forums", we have "Development", "Community", "Talk" (which is actually just another name for forums, but anyway...)

Each of these pages groups content by theme - the development page links to official documentation, mailing lists, relevant wiki content, bugzilla, and "Getting started" guides, the community page contains links to forums, mailing lists, community guides, how to get involved, ...

Paul Cutler wrote:
      /Get Started
      /Get Involved

I like the basic idea - but I would like to see more attention given to searchable user forums, bringing people to the development portal to get them started building software, and where to get extra software for your shiny new GNOME desktop. Luckily, we have user forums, mailing lists, a software site and a bug database already, so this is simply (!) a case of appropriately linking to existing resources.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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