Re: GNOME Merchandise Process

Excellent suggestions. I know this subject came up in the Marketing BoF at
GUADEC, but I can't recall where we left things... Paul...?

I'm willing to help out with this one, and I think we _should_ try to treat
such requests positively (if they're reasonable) and _quickly_. This could
be a source of some income for the Foundation if it's handled reasonably, as
well as a good potential marketing tool...

On 12/16/09 4:44 AM, "Brian Cameron" <Brian Cameron Sun COM> wrote:

> Marketing team:
> In the past month, the GNOME Foundation has received two requests from
> people interested in marketing GNOME branded merchandise.  So, I am
> interested to hear the GNOME Marketing community's perspective about
> the appropriate way to respond to such requests.  Is the GNOME
> community even considering such requests?  If so, should people with an
> interest make their request on the marketing-list for consideration, or
> what process should be followed?
> Looking at the available resources on this topic, it does not seem that
> we have any sort of policy for how to respond to such requests:
> In fact, the above Wiki pages seem very out of date and do not reflect
> much information about current merchandising work we do, such as with
> Hackerthreads.  On the Trademark Wiki, I can see that there are some
> draft, but not "official" trademark agreement template documents.
> Perhaps this is a good starting point?
> In general, the GNOME board of directors frequently gets various
> requests about whether it is appropriate to use the GNOME logo in
> various situations.  If the above website could be further fleshed out
> to explain how to handle other common use cases, then this would be
> really helpful.  For example:
>     - For personal use (a t-shirt an individual is making for themselves)
>     - For an event (logos on event merchandise)
> If such a FAQ could be put together, then the GNOME Foundation would
> be able to easily point people to the process if they want to use
> the logo for various purposes, including selling GNOME-branded
> merchandise.  Our current guidelines do not provide much information
> to make it easy for people to understand
> Thoughts?
> Brian

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