Re: New Website layout

On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 13:38 +0159, Thilo Pfennig wrote:
> Murray Cumming schrieb:
> > A restart of the redesign/reimplementation effort might be
> > appropriate soon, but it's premature to start that now. Therefore I'll
> > be reverting or editing Thilo's recent edits to make that
> > clearer.
> >  
> I think some things need to be done now.

No, you can wait for a week.

>  The confusion is more in 99% of
> all the discussions and status messages that are on GnomeWeb. So why
> should it make sense to remove the only page that reflects soemthing
> that is going on while keeping things that are all outdated?`I recommend
> cleaning up all outdated stuff first.
> Regards,
> Thilo

murrayc murrayc com

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