Re: Working Draft

On 3/10/07, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
 + I didn't put screenshots. I don't know what's the current status of
   the screenshots, or how they should be included in the release notes.

We have missed all deadlines for screenshots. I haven't even seen them
(apart from the Arabic one, provided by the own translators). Too
late. Too bad. Hopefully we can still arrange something for the
English version, which will be the most accessed.

Gervais, what materials do you have? Can you upload them somewhere we
can check them?

 + I guess there should be only one webpage for the release notes.
   However, the current build generate one page per section. Does anyone
   know how to fix this? Or maybe we shouldn't use section, and use
   something else instead?

The result should be only one page, yes.

 + I copied the first index page from 2.16. Is this what we want?
   Following questions are related to this page (since some of the
   sections in there are commented and we could maybe uncomment them)

IMHO we don't need index page. Links to translations ideally would be
in the same page. Downloads of live demos ideally would be linked at
the Get Footware page. All the background information is either
explained in the release notes page or in, I don't see the
point repeating this here.

About how to build your own GNOME... which % of readers of this page
are going to need this information? It might be more confusing than
anything. Developers willing to compile GNOME from the sources should
be able to find this information elsewhere. If it's really needed,
let's add the link in the release notes themselves.

 + I think we'll have a LiveCD and virtual machine images. If that's
   right, do we have URLs for all this?

Now everything is in which
is not a URL to be linked directly in the release notes. This is why
I'm suggesting to move it to the Get Footware page.

 + will there be a press release?

-1  Let's do press releases about news the press can be interested in
AND we are providing everything needed for them.
Quim Gil ///

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