Re: Including Arabic translation in release notes

Hi Quim,

في س، 03-03-2007 عند 22:01 +0200 ، كتب Quim Gil:
> Djihed!

> 2: Could you investigate if itś the first desktop environment or not,
> or if you mean the first free desktop. Thanks.

It's the first Free desktop. There is that other OS, but the translation
is incomplete in places and generally sucks (the translation itself). 

> I definitely think that itś worth an item in the release notes anyway.
> Nice screenshots are welcome. In fact if you could write a paragraph
> with some background information about the work done and the team
> would be excellent.

I'm preparing this and will write back to you. 
Thanks for the encouragement :-)

> Sabah al Hir

Sabah Al Nour ;)

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