Re: Re-inventing the GNOME Marketing team

Clearly we are past the brainstorming part and we should be executing
tasks. :-)


On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 01:38:42PM +1200, John Williams wrote:
> Dudes and Dudettes,
> I would like to seek some clarification and offer some advice.  I am
> sure it is old advice to some, but what the hay.
> We seem to be discussing two separate issues here:
> (1) Generating new ideas
> (2) Getting things done
> Brainstorming is perfect for (1) and crap for (2).  And vice versa.  It
> is essential for brainstorming that ideas are not pre-judged or
> criticised.  We seem to be moving from discussing a brainstorming
> session to an action-oriented planning meeting.  Which is it?  Or should
> we have both?  (I think we should.)
> Finally, when?  Can we use as a planning tool?  Can
> anyone suggest a better alternative?
> -- 
> marketing-list mailing list
> marketing-list gnome org


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