Re: Writing the 2.16 release notes (and press release)

> Hi,
> Quim Gil wrote:
>> I want to help producing release notes and press releases more friendly
>> and effective for our user targets and journalists. What do we explain
>> and how, how do we show them in wgo and the projects subsites. How we
>> use screenshots, and screencasts. Also how these materials are
>> advertised afterward.
> I'm going to do something I hate to see people doing - throw out an idea
> and then fade back into the shadows.
> I've wondered whether we get decent exposure from the "What's new in..."
> articles - they're definitely interesting for a section of the public
> who already know about our software. But one thing I've missed is an
> overview of the desktop (not a massive overview, but how people actually
> use GNOME, and how the new stuff affects workflows. Screencasts fit in
> nicely here. A full desktop overview would take far too long to be
> considered for September, but perhaps for March?

The GNOME Tour could do this, if anybody found the time to finish it:

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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