Re: Actions


John Williams wrote:
On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 11:10 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
Perhaps someone else - I seem to recall a few months ago someone who was interested in market research. A hunt in the archives shows I was thinking of John Williams. John - you still about? Interested in taking this on?
Yes, I've been lurking, but have seen nothing afoot that I could
contribute to.  I am very happy to:

1.  Analyse existing data, and prepare reports
2.  Advise on research design
The "advise on research design" is one that we need, at least for an 
effective survey to be given to conference attendees and others.
and less happy, but still willing to:

1.  Advise on general marketing issues
2.  Code on-line surveys in HTML/CSS/Javascript/Whatever
More than coding, designing the actual surveys themselves is what were 
suggested, which sounds like what you like to do.
Do you want to take ownership of this?


Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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