[Fwd: Re: [guadec-list] Call for papers Howto]

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Some ideas to improve the GUADEC call for papers procedure and make it
more useful for the whole GNOME project.

As a community we have two problems:

- We want for the next GUADEC the greatest GNOME-related sessions ever.

- We want great GNOME-related sessions to be included in any kind of
relevant event.

We could find perhaps a common solution for both.

What if GUADEC'2006 call for papers starts conforming a (public?)
database of possible talks, presentations, BOFs, debates, showcases,
performances, DJ sessions (ok, we could narrow this a bit)  ;)

People presenting these papers will be happy of being accepted to have
time&space in GUADEC's official program, of course.

But... perhaps they would be also happy to know if GNOME Korea,
LinuxTag, an O'Reilly conference, the main local free software event
where they live or something happening in the other side of the planet
want to invite them as well (they would be always able to accept or not
the invitation.

We are talking about promoting smaller, regional GNOME events. For them
this database would be really useful to compose a great program and make
local attendance and press more interested in the event. Plus we help
connecting people inside the GNOME community.

This would help also the GNOME Foundation every time an event requests
'someone from GNOME' to lead a session there (tendency that hopefully
will increase). We could say 'choose from the menu, we recommend you
this and that but maybe you find more interesting stuff for your event'.

This would ease the fact that not-the-usual-suspects GNOME people will
speak in conferences, acquire more experience doing this and become
new-usual-suspects for the good of the whole GNOME project.

I'm not saying we need to set up a great database before sending our cal
l for papers. We can agree the requirements/specifications affecting the
text of this Call, start with a simple process to receive the papers
(can be the current not-public process, to start with) and in the
meantime the proper system can be developed. If we can release it before
the GUADEC, great. If not, this can be the main new feature presented in
a possible events.gnome.org to be released in the second half of 2006 or so.

Quim Gil - http://desdeamericaconamor.org

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