Re: Merchandise and publicity packs for conferences


Sebastien Biot wrote:
> my personal feeling is that the foot is not something we 
> should put emphasis on. We've got fun logo but it doesn't really say 
> anything about the nature of the project (except for the fun part which, 
> granted, is important but might not be our strongest selling point). 
> Because of that, I don't think we should worry about integrating it into 
> our message. If we did, I'm afraid we'd end up with a good pun but not 
> much else.

Agreed. I added 4 groups of slogan ideas on the website - foot,
function, freedom, and community. Of the 4, foot based slogans
are the easiest to come up with :) but they would only be useful
in situations where most of the people seeing the material knew
about GNOME already (perhaps LUG days could get away with it). In
other situations you want to stay on-message - functional,
simple, free, elegant, supported and so on - basically the core
message should (imho) communicate some of the key elements of

> Maybe we just need to explore peripheral ideas: forget about the foot 
> and think about "motion," or "journey," or "stability"...?

Sounds like something worth exploring (no pun intended).

> Yes; he and I have emailed each other and chatted, electronically, on 
> more than one occasion.

Va falloir qu'on se retrouve un de ces quatre...


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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