Re: xsd validation in libxml++

xmlSchemaSAXPlug() is not wrapped in libxml++. If you like, you can file a bug report in Bugzilla, suggesting that it shall be wrapped. If you attach a patch with the necessary changes and an example program, it will almost certainly be implemented. If you supply less detailed instructions of what you want, it may still be implemented.


2013-08-19 08:39, tremmel gtec at skrev:
Hey again,

I sadly need to use a SAX parser instead of DOM and can't use the example
posted here. I looked up and it should work with the function
xmlSchemaSAXPlug anyone has an example for that ?

Regards, Christoph

Hey Kjell,

I think that should do it. Thank you very much.


Hi Christoph,

Is this what you need?

There are probably parts of libxml2 that have not been wrapped in C++
code in libxml++. If you miss something in libxml++, you can file a
bug in Bugzilla. If you also attach a patch, there is a high
probability that it will be implemented.


2013-08-09 09:46, Hugo van den Brand skrev:
Dear Christoph,

Your question made me think of a code that I wrote in C++ using an
I also did find a validation for a schema file in libxml++.
I countered this by using libxml2 (the C implementation) to check the
I wrote one function containing only libxml2 C commands.
After checking I just closed the file and reopened it with the
DomParser in C++ code.
This makeshift solution worked for me and I could provide my function
if you need it.

That of course raises the question whether xsd schema checking is or
will be in libxml++?

Best regards,

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:51 AM, <tremmel gtec at
<mailto:tremmel gtec at>> wrote:


     is there an easy way to use xsd validation instead of dtd
     validation in
     libxml++ ?

     Regards, Christoph Tremmel

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