Re: xsd validation in libxml++

Dear Christoph,

Your question made me think of a code that I wrote in C++ using an xmlschema.
I also did find a validation for a schema file in libxml++.
I countered this by using libxml2 (the C implementation) to check the xmlschema.
I wrote one function containing only libxml2 C commands.
After checking I just closed the file and reopened it with the DomParser in C++ code.
This makeshift solution worked for me and I could provide my function if you need it.

That of course raises the question whether xsd schema checking is or will be in libxml++?

Best regards,

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:51 AM, <tremmel gtec at> wrote:

is there an easy way to use xsd validation instead of dtd validation in
libxml++ ?

Regards, Christoph Tremmel

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