RE: [libxml++] sax_parser example: entity not defined

Excellent research work, Murray!

On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 14:31, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> > Again, there is nothing wrong with what your new stuff does. 
> > I think it's wonderful. I just want to solve this little 
> > question. I need to do the tests.
> OK. I have tracked the problem down. We get an "entity is undeclared" error
> because we put our Parser* in _xmlParserCtxt::userData. In my simplified
> test code, we also get the error if we set it to 0. If we leave it alone
> then we don't get the error. See my attached test code.
> This suggests a libxml API and documentation bug that Daniel preferred not
> to fix fully:
> Here is the latest documentation:
> which, now that we know about the problem, probably means that we should not
> set userData. It seems that userData is not user data as we understand it.
> We get the context instead of the userData in the callback. 
> But we can get the instance from the private member of the context, so
> everything will be OK. It works. I'll check it all in tomorrow.
> Murray Cumming
> murrayc usa net

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