Re: [Re: [libxml++] UTF8 support]

Christophe de VIENNE wrote:

node.h (could be splitted in node.h, node_qt.h and node_glib.h):

not splitting it up into separate files would indeed imply depending
on *both*. Remember that the original goal was not to provide two
unicode bindings instead of a single one, but instead to totally
factor it out, i.e. be fully agnostic of it.

- -------

template<typename String_t>
class Node {  // or maybe BaseNode
		String_t get_content();

namespace qt {
	typedef xmlpp::Node<QString> Node;

namespace glib {
	typedef xmlpp::Node<Glib::ustring> Node;

This will instantiate the actual types, and thus require the full
template code to be seen. That's what Murray objects to. In order
to hide the templates you really have to use compiler firewalls ('pimpls'), which requires more than a 'typedef': it requires
real wrapper classes. (you can't forward declare a typedef...).


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