RE: [Re: [libxml++] UTF8 support]

> From: Christophe de VIENNE [mailto:cdevienne alphacent com] 
> It seems (unless I misanderstood the thing) that the 
> templates implementation 
> don't have to be included in client code as long as the 
> templated class 
> instanciation is not done by the client code but by the lib.
> This way we wouldn't have to a heavy wrapping : only a few 
> typedef, and 
> provide functions to instanciate the different classes (which 
> is already done 
> for Node).

Do you mean that typedefs would be just prototypes. Surely we need the
actual declaration of a class to use its API? Could you give us a small
example of client code that would use DomParser to parse a file?

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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