Re: [Re: [libxml++] UTF8 support]

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Le Mercredi 19 Mars 2003 15:41, Murray Cumming Comneon com a écrit :
> > From: Christophe de VIENNE [mailto:cdevienne alphacent com]
> > It seems (unless I misanderstood the thing) that the
> > templates implementation
> > don't have to be included in client code as long as the
> > templated class
> > instanciation is not done by the client code but by the lib.
> >
> > This way we wouldn't have to a heavy wrapping : only a few
> > typedef, and
> > provide functions to instanciate the different classes (which
> > is already done
> > for Node).
> Do you mean that typedefs would be just prototypes.
> Surely we need the actual declaration of a class to use its API?

I'm not sure what you mean but we would have in the header (very simplified) :

node.h (could be splitted in node.h, node_qt.h and node_glib.h):
- -------

template<typename String_t>
class Node {  // or maybe BaseNode
		String_t get_content();

namespace qt {
	typedef xmlpp::Node<QString> Node;

namespace glib {
	typedef xmlpp::Node<Glib::ustring> Node;

node_impl.[h|cc|whatever you like]:
- -----------------------------------

template<typename String_t>
String_t Node<String_t>::get_content()
	// actual implementation.

This second file would be included only in the lib, not in the client code, 
unless the client wants another string type of course.

> Could you give us a small
> example of client code that would use DomParser to parse a file?

This would look like this, I think :

int main() {

  auto_ptr<libxmlpp::qt::DomParser> parser ( libxmlpp::qt::getDomParser() );


  /* etc. */

If valid, this solution is, I think, lighter than maintaining two libs.

Before discussing it more, I'll try to make a small example with a library 
containing a templated class implementation. I want to be 100% sure.


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