Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] parametrizing libxml++ for the character /string type

Murray Cumming wrote:

good. I'm looking into that. libxml2 provides methods xmlRegisterNodeDefault() and xmlDeRegisterNodeDefaults()

Do you have a URL for reference documentation?
strangely, the online manual doesn't include anything. I would
have thought it's updated automatically. I found the methods
because DV told me about them, and by looking into libxml/globals.h
at line 112 f. (again, libxml2 version 2.5.1)

What API changes are required?
As I said, for now we could just deprecate some methods, mostly
constructors. That's just to prevent users from creating unbound nodes,

OK. Please just remove stuff - deprecation is useless if its broken and
we have no need for deprecation now anyway.
ok, agreed. But I'm not sure whether they should go forever, or whether
we may reintroduce them whenever we have a better understanding of the
object ownership stuff, i.e. when we know how to implement them


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