[Libxmlplusplus-general] parametrizing libxml++ for the character /string type

hi there,

libxml2 uses some internal utf8 types to represent characters.
libxml++ currently uses std::string, which only works for characters
in the ASCII subset of utf8. It was suggested to use glibmm::ustring
instead, but I'd like to propose a different solution:

What if the xmlpp::Node class (as an example) is split into two
parts: one that is character type agnostic, i.e. uses libxml2's
internal type, and one that does the conversion to C++ types (for
example glibmm::ustring) ?

Here is how this could look like:

class _TextNode
  void set_content(const xmlChar *content)
     xmlNodeSetContent(_impl, content);

  /* ... */
  xmlNode *_impl;

template <typename string_type, typename string_traits>
class TextNode : private _TextNode
  void set_content(const string_type &content)
  /* ... */

So, the real libxml2 wrapper class for a text node is _TextNode.
It's this class that does all the real work. TextNode then provides
a thin Adapter to that (i.e. it uses _TextNode as implementation)
providing a type-safe interface, and by means of the 'string_traits'
providing a mapping to arbitrary user-provided unicode implementations.

You may just do a

typedef TextNode<glibmm::ustring, your_ustring_adaptor> YourTextNode;

to hide the templating, while others can use a different unicode

Hope this makes some sense to you.


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