Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] newbie question: libxml++ vs. xerces-C++

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 12:17 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:

  2) Xerces-C++ seems to use Unicode while libxml doesn't.  Should I
     care?  Or am I missing something?

libxml does use Unicode (UTF8) in its API, but libxml++ currently uses
std::string, which is not meant for UTF8. In future we will use
Glib::ustring from glibmm, currently part of gtkmm: classGlib_1_1ustring.html

Would there be any way to do this without creating a dependency on Gtkmm?

Glib::ustring is a very useful class... I would be using it in alot more of my programs if I could remove the dependency on GtkMM. Any chances of it being spun off into a different package so that other tools could use it without needing Gtkmm, or Glib?

It would be nice if it could be added to STLPort... But I suppose that's a long shot.

--- darco

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