Re: [sigc] current state of libsigc++ and Qt integration?

On 09/07/2011 07:36 PM, Murray Cumming wrote:
This is a Qt problem, and it's best to ask Qt people about Qt problems,
but I think it should be enough to do this before including any Qt

qmake has a similar option to prevent use of Qt/moc keywords in Qt-using
source code.

Yes, you are right. This is indeed a problem caused by Qt, and it is a problem which affects a considerable number of components other than libsigc++.

Nonetheless, between asking Qt people about this and asking libsigc++ people, it is better to ask the latter, simply due to the fact that the odds that libsigc++ people used Qt and stumbled on this problem are greater than the odds that Qt people used libsigc++ and had to deal with this. Therefore, as this isn't exactly a bug report, there is no harm in asking this question in here. In fact, I suspect that some other users interested in libsigc++ and which use Qt will benefit from having this information made available through this list.

Thanks for the help,
Rui Maciel

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