Re: [sigc] interthread communication library "sigx++" (crossposting)

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Jonathon Jongsma
<jonathon quotidian org> wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-05-03 at 22:04 +0200, klaus triendl wrote:
>  > Jonathon Jongsma schrieb:
>  > > On Sat, 2008-05-03 at 10:28 +0200, klaus triendl wrote:
>  > >>> - A link to an SCM repository of sigx would be really nice
>  > >> I know, I'm missing a SCM, too. I'm thinking about, or google - do you have a good suggestion?
>  > >
>  > > Frankly, I would suggest something like for a new project
>  > > these days.  But that's just a source code repository.  it doesn't offer
>  > > bug tracking or anything like that.  So if you want a fully integrated
>  > > solution, google code is probably your best bet.
>  >
>  > Does somebody have experiences with They seem to
>  > provide a git repository plus all the other things.
>  Marko Anastasov has a project there I believe.  I'm not a fan of their
>  bug tracker at all, but it is another option.

Yes [1]. At that point I was specifically looking for a place with git source
code hosting, and, not counting, it was the only option. I wouldn't
actually recommend it because it took more than a month until my project
registration was "processed". New project registration was even frozen for
a while recently. From my observations of that and the mailing lists, there's
basically just one person, possibly a volunteer, doing that and more important
administration work. Your files are supposed to be very rigorously reviewed
first for all kinds of licencing issues, all the way to FSF addresses at the
bottom. And I agree that the bug tracker, as well as practically any other part
of the site has serious usability issues (it gets in the way).

I think that I would also go with github now (if I had a new project).
I couldn't
find out if there are any plans for bug tracking there, although my impression
is that currently they're mostly focused on getting the git and collaboration
done well. It actually seems more likely that eg lighhouse [2] will implement
some code integration capabilities based on github's web API. While typing
this, I've found out that there's something basic already working [3], from
the other direction.

If you're really looking for an all-in-one solution then I'd say that
assembla [4]
is very nice. I'm using Trac and Mercurial (I very much like both now) on it
with a friend on a private project daily and it's just great. I see
that they offer
git as an option now too, which is interesting news, also because it means
that there's a working git plugin for Trac.

As you can see, I am in favour of distributed SCM :)

>  > Also it seems that git doesn't run on windows without cygwin. Is there
>  > somebody developing entirely on windows?
>  That's not entirely true, there is a mingw-git branch.  I don't think
>  It's completely on par with git on *nix yet though.

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but anyway, for reference, there's
msysgit [5], and I've read some praising blog post recently how it's working
fine but can't find it anymore.



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