Re: [sigc] sigc::trackable::~trackable() is not virtual

On Thursday 26 October 2006 21:06, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 20:36 +0200, stephan beal wrote:
> > IMO, any change which fixes undefined behaviour should be made
> > regardless of any perceived performance hit.
> If you can submit a test case I will consider it. I don't think there
> is any bug, so you have to show that it exists.

The point is that it's officially, according to the C++ Standard, 
*undefined* behaviour. Relying on undefined behaviour is a bug in 
waiting, and the "undefined" part inherently makes it difficult 
to "prove" to be problematic.

> > Whether it's undefined only when i delete using a parent pointer or
> > a child pointer is irrelevant. Opening the door to undefined
> > behaviour leads to undefined behaviour. The door shouldn't even be
> > open.
> C++ does not protect you from errors. You must know what you are
> doing.

But you needn't know the function signature of every function which you 
never call - the compiler calls the dtor for you, and that's where the 
trap is.

> Likewise, you can provide an incorrect reference to a std::list<>,
> and it will cause a crash (or "undefined behaviour").

That type of bug is generally easy to find post facto, and a stack trace 
will lead you right to it. Finding an un-called dtor is a lot trickier, 
and finding the reason for it is probably just as tricky because the 
first reaction to actually finding such a bug would likely be "what the 
foo is going on here?" rather than "oh, that means one of my bases is 
missing a virtual dtor!"

> >  A dtor
> > is a function call, too, so i will argue that any public
> > subclassing is automatic polymorphic behaviour.
> That's quite clearly wrong. C++ is not as simple as you'd like it to
> be.

As i said earlier, we can nit-pick the semantics of polymorphism all day 
and not come to a satisfying agreement. Obviously, i'm not going to 
change any minds here, and i'll just say that i would never personally 
ask client code to subclass a type of mine for which provided no 
virtual dtor.

i'll shut up now.

----- stephan s11n net
"...pleasure is a grace and is not obedient to the commands
of the will." -- Alan W. Watts

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