Re: [sigc] sigc::trackable::~trackable() is not virtual

On Thursday 26 October 2006 19:34, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 12:06 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> > just to be clear, what i said about "this is silly" was focusing on
> > the
> > size of trackable and derivatives when runtime performance was so
> > poor
> Karl Nelson was quite obsessed with runtime performance (though
> probably more on signal emission than signal connection,
> understandably), and runtime memory use. If you can improve it, for
> some future
> parallel-installable version of libsigc++, and prove that it's an
> improvement, you might try to provide a patch.

IMO, any change which fixes undefined behaviour should be made 
regardless of any perceived performance hit.

As you said earlier:

> It's undefined (or quite clearly, a memory leak, I
> think), if you use it polymorphically (because you are likely to
> delete it via the base class. 

Whether it's undefined only when i delete using a parent pointer or a 
child pointer is irrelevant. Opening the door to undefined behaviour 
leads to undefined behaviour. The door shouldn't even be open.

> That's why compilers warn if you have 
> virtual methods without a virtual destructor.

Not all do. Recent gcc's do, but several common compilers do not.

> In this case, nobody is very likely to use the sigc::trackable base
> class directly.

i'm not so optimistic about that point. The moment someone does use a 
trackable like that, they've got undefined behaviour and probably won't 
know why. They know that trackable is *meant* to be subclassed, and 
therefor presumably has the required virtual dtor. It's just good, safe 
practice to do so.

To quote Scott Meyers, More Effective C++ 3rd Edition, Item 51, page 

"Interestingly, the size_t value C++ passes to operator delete may be 
incorrect if the object being deleted was derived from a base class 
lacking a virtual destructor. This is reason enough for making sure 
your base classes have virtual destructors, but Item 7 describes a 
second, arguably better reason."

In Item 7, page 44, he summarizes:

- Polymorphi base classes should declare virtual destructors. If a class 
has any virtual functions, it should have a virtual destructor.

- Classes not designed to be base classes or not designed to be used 
polymorphically should not declare virtual destructors.

We could nit-pick on whether trackable meets that last point, but IMO 
*any* public subclassing is inherently polymorphism because it allows 
an implicit conversion from a derived to a parent pointer type:

struct foo : public trackable { ... };

trackable * t = new foo;

This is already polymorphism, regardless of any function calls. A dtor 
is a function call, too, so i will argue that any public subclassing is 
automatic polymorphic behaviour.

----- stephan s11n net
"...pleasure is a grace and is not obedient to the commands
of the will." -- Alan W. Watts

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