Re: [sigc] LGPL licensing issues regarding C++


Brett Viren wrote:

>How are LGPLed C++ libs considered problematic?  Can you provide a
>link to where you read this?
Especially this one: and some
earlier post on this list which I read some time ago in an archive. If
the LGPL is problematic for the libstdc++ folks it probably is really
problematic. I'm no lawyer though (unfortunately in this case).

>Maybe this has something to do with LGPLed template headers compiled
>in to non-LGPLed main programs?
"The LGPL requires that users be able to replace the LGPL code with a
modified version" (the problem named by the libstdc++ authors) - again,
I'm no lawyer to interpret this.

Aristid (probably hard to pronounce ;-)

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