Re: [sigc] Abandoning gcc 2.9*?

Murray Cumming Comneon com schrieb:
I'll ask this again, using the correct version number:

Libsigc++ 2 does not build with gcc 2.95 (or even gcc <3.2). So if we use it
in gtkmm 2.4, gtkmm will also not be able to use gcc 2.9*.

Go for it, even the 'official' _woody_backport_ of gtkmm2 already uses gcc 3.0. [Woody is what I would call a dinosaur system for gtk2] And 2.9x was never an option for me ever since I encountered the dynamic_cast bug (see SIGSEGV with glademm, gtk2 and gcc 2.95) about one year ago.


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