Re: [sigc] ANNOUNCE: libsigc++ 1.9.11

Am 31.10.2003 um 12:53 Uhr haben Sie geschrieben:
> [snip]
> I have a checkout from gnome anoncvs, and the m4 files have the
> changes
> as you describe them, but the script doesn't work on the
> cygwin setup I have here. I have also tried it on the only Linux box
> have access to (don't know the distro, has libtool 1.3.5-1, I cannot
> upgrade the machine) Could someone run the so that
> everything
> gets into the same state it is when a release is made, and either
> that to me, or put it up for download somewhere? Or is there a way I
> get this to work with Cygwin? Maybe the ./ way isn't the
> correct way to do it?
> One other thing: is it correct that you haven't added the msvc
> files directory yet?

Yes, I haven't added the files, yet. The Makefile system indeed needs
some very up-to-date versions of libtool/automake/autoconf. Sorry about
the inconveniences; I'll send you a patch this evening against the
1.9.11 tarball. That will be easier to handle.



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