Re: libseed-list faster sprintf?

Alan Knowles wrote:
Ok! Looking at the source, shouldn't it set __script_path__ when
running it so that __init__.js can refer to files in that dir?

Yes, looking at it , perhaps it should use seed_importer_handle_file
rather than the current eval.

Looking closer, it passes the dir_importer object as 'this', meaning that __init__.js can do:

var foo =; //will refer to variable 'foo' in 'bar.js' in same dir.

And since the dir_importer now handles everything as it should, it also works if 'bar' is a subdir or a

Very nice, actually. It should probably be documented somewhere :)


Is there any chance webkits JSC will support it in the future?
I could not find any bug reports mentioning it. probably worth
hanging around #webkit to see if you can get a more definitive

How hard would it be to support other JS engines in Seed?
Depends how much time you have ;) - Webkits JSC C bindings are quite
small, I guess it depends on how well close other libraries API's are
to JSC

BTW, how hard would it be to build seed with built-in JSC instead
of depending on webkit? For embedding purposes, it would be nice I
see on that JSC is a stand-alone repository..
Not looked to much into it, V8 might be the way to go, but basically
most JS engines are in C++, and really need wrappers to interface
with the C code in seed. Looks like more that a few evenings work...

Regards Alan

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